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Services | UX Design

Your website is a reflection of you. Make sure it makes the right impression.

We are firm believers that modern businesses require websites built on a rock-solid technical foundation that emphasizes performance, stability, and security. But we also believe that the most effective websites are beautifully designed to showcase what makes your brand special. Users expect a website that works well, but they appreciate and remember the ones that are visually exceptional.
hand drawn wireframe and computer keyboard

What is Component Based

We believe in Component Based Design--instead of trying to design every possible combination of your content in the present and even the future, we design individual components that all fit together like pieces of a puzzle to create your site.

Not only does this approach allow us to give your team the tools they need to solve today's business problems, but it opens the door for you to remix and re-organize the components we design to create brand new user experiences in the future. All accomplished via your CMS.

Why take a different approach?

Most agencies and organizations are still loyal to the idea of page-based design wherein an agency or in-house team painstakingly designs every major page, and then web developers copy that work pixel by pixel.

We don't believe in this approach, and we have good reasons why:

  • Designing every page may work for a website with 8 pages... how about 800? Component Based Design sets you up for success today and as your content keeps growing in the future.
  • When we are designing and developing, we have the luxury of building the components your site will use most often first. This means faster time to market and no need for a last minute content migration scramble.
  • Component based design sets your site up for incremental rework and improvements in the future--there's no need to redesign the entire site to reimagine a critical piece of your user journey.
Planning for a redesign

Asking the right questions

Beyond our typical Discovery (link) process, we have additional questions we seek to answer to when we begin Design for a new site:

  • What is the most challenging aspect of your current user experience?
  • What sites does your brand aspire to emulate?
  • What about the current site's design is sacred? What is disposable? How comfortable is everyone in your organization with change?
  • Can you share user behavior stats like Bounce Rate for key pages with us? What about heatmaps?
  • What are the data-driven goals we can work towards with the new design? E.g. increase our number of form submissions
Card sorting for MVP

What's Next?

Learn about the other steps in our Website Redesign process: