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Zach Starkebaum Earns Kentico Marketer Certification

We’re excited to share great news about our team member, Zach Starkebaum, a Senior Web Developer. He recently earned his Kentico Xperience Marketer certification. This is a big deal because, at BlueModus, we use Kentico as a key part of many of our clients’ websites and digital marketing efforts. With Zach’s certification, he can provide our clients with even better support and service. We’re proud of Zach for working hard to grow and succeed in this way.

Nick Bushnell, Development Director at BlueModus, explained how Zach’s achievement is important. He said, “Zach getting the Kentico Marketer certification means he is now better equipped to leverage the power of Kentico’s DXP to make strong online marketing solutions for our clients.”

Kentico is a powerful tool for websites, and it has lots of features for managing content, doing digital marketing, and handling online stores. Zach showed his expertise by passing a Kentico Certified Marketer Exam test. This test had 50 tricky questions, and he had to finish it in 90 minutes. Passing this test shows that Zach knows a lot about digital marketing, like making content that’s interesting, using ads where you pay when people click on them, sending emails to lots of people, making sure websites show up in search engines, and understanding all the things Kentico can do.

Zach talked about his success, saying, “Getting the Kentico Certified Marketer Exam certification confirmed I have an up-to-date understanding of advanced digital marketing strategies and strengthened my understanding of Kentico’s robust marketing tools and how they work together. I’m excited to use what I’ve learned to make new and creative solutions for what our clients need.”

Something unique to know is that BlueModus is the largest implementor of Kentico in the world. We have a team of 81 people who are certified as Kentico Marketers and 54 people who are certified as Kentico Developers. This is the biggest group of certified people out of all the Kentico Partners. It shows our commitment to Kentico as a digital marketing platform.

If you’re interested in what we can do, check out some examples of our work in our case studies and our partnership with Kentico. We’re happy to discuss what Kentico’s product can do and how it might help you. You can email us at or call us at 303.759.2100. Let’s start exploring the exciting possibilities of Kentico together with BlueModus!