BlueModus Chief Technology Officer Dave Conder has recently passed the Sitecore Experience Solution 9 Developer Certification exam. This not only earns Dave his Sitecore Developer credentials, it also validates his deep technical understanding of development practices on the .NET CMS platform.
“Understanding development patterns and best practices for the platforms we support is critical for us to deliver high-quality solutions,” Dave explains. “Certifications like this are an important way that we can validate our knowledge and expertise in these areas.”
In order to be successful in this exam, Dave demonstrated a deep practical experience of Sitecore, as well as proficiency in the many facets of the platform, including Sitecore MVC, tools and items, search and indexing, unit testing, and debugging. Because the Sitecore Experience Solution Developer Certification Exam 9 consists of scenario-based questions, Dave needed to show all his thought processes, not just recite learned, memorized responses.
“Certifications like this one help reflect the BlueModus commitment to our partnerships and to our clients,” says Vice President of Strategic Solutions Brant Cline. “While Dave's depth of knowledge is never in question, maintaining these current certifications ensures that we're always fully informed on the latest features and capabilities of Sitecore, and able to act as knowledgeable, trustworthy consultants for our clients when it comes to aligning business needs to implementation.”
The BlueModus team has nearly twenty years of web development experience .NET platforms like Sitecore, with a proven track record of delivering high-profile enterprise implementations. If you would like to find out more about BlueModus' Sitecore Partner practice at BlueModus, click here to learn more.
To find out more about Dave’s background, please take a look at his profile on the BlueModus website.