The world of digital is about to turn an exciting and transformative corner, and that’s saying a lot.
In fact, to say it’s just an exciting time in the world of digital experience, content management, and internet marketing would be a gross understatement. It might be more appropriate to look at what’s happening around us in the world of digital experience as a “perfect storm”; one of opportunity, technological advancement, and fundamental improvement that will forever rewrite the way marketers like us work every hour of every day. And it’s not just a change for marketing and tech. This kind of sea change is one that will touch just about every level of business in some way.
Over the next few weeks, I’ll be writing a series of articles on this “perfect storm of tech evolution,” and how businesses with significant online assets can really take advantage of it. In particular, I’ll be discussing how tech development and content management platforms’ movement from less flexible MVC architectures and into the new .Net Core industry standard is creating a new foundation to push businesses into true digital experience management, rather than simple content marketing. This evolutionary step not only necessitates a path for businesses to upgrade; it also opens up a huge opportunity to revisit existing content management architectures to potentially rebuild an entirely new content ecosystem that encompasses every possible digital marketing, e-commerce, and content management channel - all within the same framework.
The future of digital experience management is here, today, and the tech industry is moving right along with what businesses need, developing the tools to add successes across multiple channels, to nearly endless audiences, and with almost limitless capabilities. Over the next eighteen months, we’ll be witnessing a convergence of global market evolution with the development, launch, and optimization of tools that will bring it into the everyday.
I’ll be spending some time over these few last weeks of 2020 discussing just how businesses are evolving - internally and externally - to take on the ever-changing world of content consumption, audience targeting, e-commerce, and content modeling. I’ll also be digging into some of the tools that are either on the market now or are soon to be released, which will make this transition easy while building an unprecedented foundation for a truly flexible, multi-channel, and ever-evolving future.
I’ll also discuss just how Kentico’s Xperience platform - among the world’s first and most adaptive, fully functional, and all-encompassing Digital Experience Platforms (DXP) - is perfectly suited for this new and exciting future. Having just released Xperience 13, the first version of Kentico’s popular DXP to move away from .Net Framework and fully onto a .Net Core foundation, Kentico not only offers the ability to develop quickly with turn-key processes and boilerplate application, but also the prospect of building a full-throated digital experience management system, able to handle all channels and corral assets for use and reuse across any organization, right out of the box. This is truly a platform designed to usher businesses into the future of digital and web management, from the inside out.
This is an auspicious time for digital marketing, content management, and web development. Your business objective is to be on the crest of the wave as it begins to swell, rather than struggling to catch up just after it’s passed. Stay tuned to get some real insight into how you can do that, and ensure that your business will be building for the future every step of the way.