Congratulations to BlueModus Solution Lead Jon Knopp, who recently passed Kentico Kontent’s Developer and Business Qualification certification exams. Kentico Kontent is Kentico Software’s cloud-based content management platform that streamlines content production and delivery while offering developers all the benefits of a headless CMS.
“Jon’s experience with Kontent and headless CMS platforms continues to grow! This adds to his considerable expertise with Kentico Xperience,” says John Fager, BlueModus Director of Development.
The Kentico Kontent Developer Exam is a secure, online exam comprised of 40 questions with a 40-minute time limit that focuses on topics and skills such as terminology and concepts, architecture, APIs, SDKs, sample apps, boilerplates, static-site generators, and content modeling. To pass, a technologist needs knowledge of Kontent’s features and functionality and demonstrates practical experience using the product. The Kentico Kontent’s Business Qualification exam is also a secure, online exam but comprises 20 questions with a 30-minute time limit. This exam focuses on topics and skills such as subscription management, pricing, general product knowledge and terminology, collaboration, and content publishing.
“With new headless initiatives well underway for our clients, I’m excited to utilize the knowledge and skills gained from the Kentico Kontent materials and exams to change the way clients think about, interact with, manage and display content,” says Jon.
BlueModus is one of the largest implementers of Kentico Kontent worldwide and remains very proud of the number of certified Kentico professionals on the team. We employ 19 Kentico Kontent Certified Developers and 28colleagues with Kentico Kontent Business Qualification with Jon’s addition.
To learn more about BlueModus’ experience building client websites and intranets on Kentico Kontent, visit our Kentico Kontent Partner webpage or check out some of our case studies as we are incredibly proud of our client projects.