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BlueModus Donates to The Rocky Mountain Immigrant Advocacy Network

The BlueModus team loves to celebrate one another, and we love donating to the community - so several years ago, we decided to combine these two passions. Every month, management chooses two colleagues who embody the values that make BlueModus a great place to work. The company then donates to the charity that its colleagues choose. 

This month, one of those colleagues is Nick Renteria. He joined BlueModus as a UX/UI Developer in 2020 and has been a tremendous asset to our team and our client projects. His communication style, strong work ethic, eagerness to help, and great attitude are perfectly aligned to BlueModus and make him so incredibly enjoyable to collaborate with on projects.  

The Rocky Mountain Immigrant Advocacy Network (RMIAN) recently received a $500 donation from BlueModus on behalf of our colleague, Nick Renteria. RMIAN is a non-profit organization that serves low-income adults and children in immigration proceedings. RMIAN promotes knowledge of legal rights, provides effective representation to ensure due process, works to improve detention conditions, and promotes a more humane immigration system, including alternatives to detention. They believe that justice for immigrants means justice for all.  

“As the direct product of immigration from Mexico to the US, this topic has always been close to home for me. I watched my father work hard to create a new life for himself and the best possible opportunities for his family. So I know the benefit to American society immigration provides,” shared Nick. “I want to help other immigrants and their families receive the same chance to better their lives and their new home, particularly in the face of their dehumanizing treatment in detention centers and within a justice system that is not often kind to those who can’t afford legal representation.” 

If you would like to learn more about the Rocky Mountain Immigrant Advocacy Network and how you can support their great work, please visit the how to help of their website.