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BlueModus Donates to Stevens Point Children’s Safety Center

We love to celebrate our colleagues, and we love giving back to our community – so several years ago, BlueModus decided to combine these two loves. Each month, our Management Team selects two colleagues who shine and represent the values that make BlueModus a great place to work. These two colleagues select a charity, and BlueModus donates on their behalf.  

This month, one of those colleagues is Justin Neff. He is a thoughtful, hard-working, and talented technologist. As a Senior Web Developer, Justin works on a project team, helping build and maintain websites, webstores, and intranets for our clients.  

Recently, BlueModus made a $500 donation to the Stevens Point Children’s Safety Center on behalf of Justin. This Wiscon-based non-profit organization is focused on the prevention of injuries and deaths to children caused by motor vehicle crashes, bicycle crashes, poisons, falls, fires/scalds, and drownings. Stevens Point Children’s Safety Center provides education, online resources, events, services, such as car seat safety checks and car seat rentals. 

“It’s a great resource for the whole county that checks for car seat safety and safety in the house while providing affordable options for families of all income levels. Licensed technicians help families with car seat installment and even provide car seat rentals at a discount. They also provide in-person teaching to new parents how to use their new carseat proper placement of safety restraints,” shares Justin. “They recently lost all funding from the United Way and this is such an essential service for all families, so I am happy to help support them.”  

If you would like to learn more about the Stevens Point Children’s Safety Center and how you can support their cause, please visit the donate portion of their website.