We love to celebrate our team, and we love giving back to our community – so several years ago, BlueModus decided to combine these two loves. Each month, our Management Team selects two colleagues who shine and represent the values that make BlueModus a great place to work. These two colleagues select a charity, and BlueModus donates on their behalf.
This month, one of those colleagues is Zeb Lavallee. He is our System Administrator and newer to the BlueModus team, having joined in November 2020. Zeb’s value to our team has been clear from day one. He is quick to respond to support requests and ensures our team has everything they need to succeed with our clients. He has been an excellent addition to BlueModus.
Recently, BlueModus made a $500 donation to the Butterfly Pavilion, the first stand-alone, Association of Zoos and Aquariums-accredited non-profit invertebrate zoo in the world and a leader in invertebrate knowledge, inspiration, and connection on behalf of our colleague, Zeb Lavallee. Whether it is providing unique, hands-on learning experiences in our exhibits and educational programs, conducting new research that sets the standard for zoos across the country, or building innovative solutions for species and habitat conservation in countries around the world, Butterfly Pavilion is leading the way in ensuring invertebrates are protected for the future.
“I have always liked butterflies, and as climate change becomes a bigger problem, butterflies and other pollinators need all the help they can get!” shared Zeb. “They are significant contributors to conservation and education for butterflies and other insects.”
If you would like to find out more information about the Butterfly Pavilion and how you can support their great work, please visit the donate portion of their website.