Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB) needed to re-platform their website and intranet from SharePoint 2013, which would no longer be supported in 2021, to Kentico Xperience by the end of 2020. The new sites needed to perform better, meet minimum ADA requirements, offer a better authoring experience, as well as a cleaner design and better user experience for their user. FHLB also required strong security protocols, where no individual on the BlueModus project team was allowed to have access to all of the infrastructure at any point.
With a definitive launch date of the end of 2020, BlueModus broke the project into sprints and utilized demos with the FHLB team to give high visibility on what had been built at the end of each sprint with a strong focus on the MVP necessary for launch.
To meet FHLB’s security requirements, the FHLB and BlueModus teams had to collaborate constantly during the construction and maintenance of the Azure environments that hosted Kentico Xperience and the site.
Working together BlueModus and FHLB were able to launch both sites on time within weeks of each other. The new sites not only perform better and have fresh designs, but also allows for a much better experience for content authors. They can now stage their content changes for review in a staging environment before moving to production and have the ability to share and re-use content across both sites.