Women in Digital is an organization with a mission to connect women in digital through engaging and educational events. They will be holding their first-ever Meet-Up in the Denver area on Wednesday, October 18th, and BlueModus is proud to be the sponsor of this kick-off event.
The agenda for the evening will include a time to mix and mingle, a keynote address by Women in Digital Executive Director Alaina Shearer, as well as time to learn and practice one of the organization's empowering techniques: "Asks" & "Gives."
Any woman with a focus on digital marketing, communications, design and development, on both agency and client side is welcome to attend this event. Attendees at Women in Digital events (there are 18 nationwide chapters) range from CMOs to social strategists or designers. Are you in marketing and communications and digital controls your universe? If so, you're in.
Kate Kunert, Senior Producer and Project Manager at BlueModus is looking forward to this inaugural meet-up, "I work with some incredible ladies at my company, and am excited to meet other amazing women at this event! " says Kate, "I’m very proud that BlueModus is sponsoring this event, and to be working for an organization that advocates the advancement of women in the digital space."
Senior Producer and Project Manager Meredith Perkins Lehman agrees: "BlueModus fosters and encourages all of our employees, so I’m not surprised we are sponsoring the Women in Digital Meet-Up in Denver, and am very proud to be part of that. As a woman in digital, I’m always looking to meet other women in our space, to hear their ideas and collaborate on how we can become stronger. This is shaping up to be an incredible event."
However, please note: this is a women-only event! The men who support women in digital will understand the need to gather alone to regroup, share and find time and space for themselves.