This past week, BlueModus CEO Marc Maassen participated in a webinar panel titled “Funding, Finances and Relief: How Business Leaders Can Overcome Uncertainty.” As part of a panel of experts, Marc provided tips and strategies on how to plan and manage your business’s financial decisions in these volatile and uncertain times.
Some of the topics the panel covered included how to leverage new government financial programs, cash flow strategies, ways to efficiently improve business processes, immediate adjustments to make when handling debtors and creditors, and vital lessons to help prepare for the next emergency. Marc also specifically provided insight into how BlueModus has retained its core values during the current crisis through maintaining a company-wide communication transparency, as well as making the health and well-being of its colleagues its top priority.
This webinar, which can be viewed in full here, was hosted by Dan McGaw, CEO of Effin Amazing, also included business profitability consultant Veronica Cram, and Cheryl Beth Kuchler, the President & Founder of CEO Think Tank.
(Additionally, be sure to check out this awesome visual note, prepared by Kristin McLane and The Vivid Ink Company, as a valuable supplement to this webinar!)