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Justin Fouts Recertifies as a Kentico Xperience Developer

Meet Justin Fouts, an extremely talented Senior Solution Lead at BlueModus, who has once again secured his Kentico Xperience Developer certification. This accolade is not just a feather in his cap but a boost to the technical prowess he brings to his team. 

For the unfamiliar, Kentico Xperience is more than just a tool; it’s a comprehensive platform that fuses content management, digital marketing, and e-commerce into one robust framework. This platform enables businesses to elevate their online presence and fine-tune digital interactions across various channels, ensuring a seamless user experience. 

Earning a Kentico Xperience Developer certification is no stroll in the park. It demands a solid grasp of the platform’s inner workings, from crafting engaging web content to deploying complex marketing automation. Candidates must undergo extensive training and pass a stringent exam to validate their skills in implementing practical, effective digital solutions using Kentico’s sophisticated technology. 

Justin’s journey to recertification was fueled by his unwavering commitment to professional growth and a passion for technology. “Navigating through the new features of Kentico adds to my toolbox and empowers my team and me to drive remarkable results for our clients,” Justin shared. 

Nick Bushnell, the Development Director at BlueModus, echoes the sentiment of achievement, noting the broader implications for their team. “With Justin’s recertification, our team is better equipped to deliver top-tier digital solutions with Kentico. It’s a proud moment highlighting Justin’s dedication to staying ahead in the digital curve,” Bushnell commented. 

As digital landscapes evolve, the significance of staying current with technological advancements is undeniable. Justin’s achievement is a reminder of the importance of continuous learning in the tech industry.