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Case Study - Cable & Telecommunications Association for Marketing (CTAM)

The BlueModus team is essential to keeping our CMS running effectively. They bring life to our visions for the website while keeping it optimized and user-friendly. Jessica Johnson,Content Manager


The Cable & Telecommunications Association for Marketing (CTAM) wanted to launch a jointly-funded lead referral program to help people find their cable provider when they move. They engaged BlueModus to build a conversion-based website that routed leads to their association members.


BlueModus built CTAM a new Kentico website with amazing lead generating capabilities:

  • Supports over 1.5 million referral transactions per month
  • Integrates with multiple 3rd party tools
  • Utilizes many of Kentico’s EMS features including: content personalization, lead scoring, and a/b testing
  • High Availability site with best in class environment, deployment process, automated testing and more