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Celebrating Mike Wills Renewing Kentico Xperience Developer Certification

At BlueModus, we’re all about celebrating the achievements of our team, and today, we’re shining the spotlight on Mike Wills, our Vice President of Technology. Mike recently recertified as a Kentico Xperience Developer, and it’s not just a win for him but for all of us at BlueModus.  

Kentico Xperience is a cutting-edge digital experience platform that combines content management, digital marketing, and commerce. It helps businesses create engaging digital experiences for their customers, serving as a toolbox for building, managing, and optimizing digital projects. 

Achieving the Kentico Xperience Developer certification demands a deep understanding of the platform, encompassing website development, deployment, and maintenance using Kentico Xperience. Candidates must pass a rigorous exam that tests their knowledge and skills, making it a testament to Mike’s expertise and dedication to digital innovation. In addition to his certification, Mike is also a Kentico MVP (Most Valuable Professional), a recognition awarded to individuals who significantly contribute to the Kentico community. This honor underscores Mike’s passion and expertise within the Kentico ecosystem. 

What sets BlueModus apart is our team of 55 certified Kentico Xperience Developers, the highest number among all Kentico implementation partners. This achievement highlights our commitment to excellence and cements our position as the #1 Kentico implementer worldwide. It clearly indicates our proficiency and leadership in the Kentico ecosystem. 

Mike shared his excitement about the certification, stating, “Recertifying as a Kentico Xperience Developer is not just personal. It shows our team’s dedication to delivering exceptional digital experiences for our clients.”  

Dave Conder, our Chief Technology Officer, also celebrated Mike’s achievement, adding, “Mike’s recertification is a testament to his expertise, commitment to innovation, and demonstrating that he leads by example. As a Kentico MVP, Mike helps drive our success and uphold our reputation as leaders in implementing Kentico.” 

Mike Wills’ recertification as a Kentico Xperience Developer is a milestone that reflects BlueModus’ culture of continuous learning and excellence. It highlights our team’s capability to navigate the complexities of digital transformation and deliver impactful solutions. Congratulations, Mike! Your achievement inspires us all and reinforces our commitment to being the best in the business.