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Celebrating Meredith Perkins’ Kentico Xperience Marketer Recertification

Congratulations to Meredith Perkins, Senior Strategic Director at BlueModus, who recently recertified as a Kentico Xperience Marketer. This accomplishment not only underscores Meredith’s commitment to professional development but also highlights BlueModus’ dedication to maintaining high standards in delivering client solutions using Kentico

Kentico Xperience is an integrated marketing platform combining content management, digital marketing, and commerce into a seamless solution. Achieving certification requires mastering a wide array of skills—from understanding the complex digital marketing ecosystem to effectively managing and personalizing user experiences. 

Here are 10 reasons why having a Kentico Xperience Marketer certification is invaluable for anyone in a strategic role like Meredith’s: 

  1. Enhanced Strategic Vision: Understanding the full capabilities of Kentico enables strategic directors to envision comprehensive marketing solutions that leverage all aspects of the platform. 
  2. Data-Driven Decisions: The certification equips strategists with the knowledge to effectively interpret and utilize data from various digital campaigns, ensuring that decisions are anchored in solid analytics. 
  3. Improved Customer Insights: With advanced knowledge of Kentico’s marketing tools, certified marketers can gain deeper insights into customer behavior, enhancing client strategies. 
  4. Seamless Integration Capabilities: Learning about the integration potential within Kentico helps strategists optimize and streamline processes between marketing and technology stacks. 
  5. Personalization at Scale: Mastery of Kentico’s personalization tools allows strategists to tailor the user experience, increasing engagement and conversion rates across client projects. 
  6. Efficient Content Management: Understanding the nuances of content management within Kentico ensures that strategies are not only practical but also efficiently executed. 
  7. Competitive Edge: Certification gives strategists like Meredith a competitive advantage in the marketplace, showcasing a commitment to excellence and deep platform knowledge. 
  8. Leadership and Influence: Certified strategists can lead and influence teams more effectively by setting benchmarks in knowledge and application of the platform. 
  9. Client Confidence: Clients are more likely to trust and rely on certified strategists, knowing they possess a verified skill set. 
  10. Continuous Learning and Adaptation: The recertification process encourages ongoing learning and adaptation to new features and best practices within Kentico. 

Meredith’s achievement reflects her dedication to her role and her clients at BlueModus. As she continues to apply her expertise, Meredith’s strategic guidance remains a pivotal asset in leveraging Kentico to drive client success.