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Celebrating Deb Paylor’s Renewed Kentico Xperience Marketer Certification

Here at BlueModus, we’re popping the confetti and cheering loudly for our very own Senior Project Manager, Deb Paylor. Why the celebration? Deb has just aced her Kentico Xperience Marketer Certification—again! This is more than just a piece of paper; it’s a testament to her dedication, expertise, and passion for digital marketing excellence. 

The Kentico Xperience Marketer Certification isn’t just any certification. It’s a deep dive into digital marketing and content management, focusing on maximizing the power of the Kentico Xperience platform. This certification covers everything from managing content and digital campaigns to optimizing customer experiences and leveraging data analytics for strategic insights. In simpler terms, it’s about mastering the art of engaging customers online in the most effective and innovative ways. 

Renewing this certification means Deb has kept up with the latest tools, trends, and techniques in the digital marketing universe. It’s a rigorous process that demands a thorough understanding of the platform’s newest features and best practices. “Staying ahead in the digital game means constantly evolving and learning. Renewing my Kentico Xperience Marketer Certification was not just about proving my skills; it was about ensuring I can offer the best strategies and solutions to our clients,” says Deb, sharing her motivation behind this achievement. 

But what does this mean for BlueModus and our clients? Managing Director Carlos Orozco puts it perfectly: “Deb’s certification is a win-win for everyone. Her expertise enhances our team’s capabilities which directly impact our projects’ success and our clients’ satisfaction. It’s professionals like Deb who drive our commitment to excellence and innovation.” 

A huge congratulations to Deb Paylor on this fantastic milestone! Your hard work and commitment not only elevate your professional journey but also inspire all of us here at BlueModus to aim higher. Here’s to many more achievements and continued success in revolutionizing digital experiences for our clients!