As part of its ongoing mission to give back to our community, BlueModus has donated $500 to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Colorado, a non-profit with a mission to provide children facing adversity with strong and enduring, professionally supported one-to-one relationships that forever change their lives for the better.
For 100 years, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Colorado (BBBSC) has been making a positive impact on the lives of thousands of youth to help them realize their full potential and become successful adults. The organization pairs adult volunteers (Bigs) with children (Littles) in a variety of mentoring programs that include community-based, academic, and sports-centric programming, pairing the skills and talents of Bigs with the specific needs of Littles. In 2018, BBBSC will support more than 1,800 of these one-to-one mentoring relationships. Matches are monitored and supported to ensure enduring, positive, and meaningful relationships, which has been shown to create a ripple effect across the lives of the children served, their families, the mentor, and even generations to follow.
“I selected this charity because I’m actually in the process of becoming a Big Brother,” says Frank Jaramillo, BlueModus Senior Developer. “It’s something I’ve always wanted to do, and since my own kids are all grown, now have the time to volunteer with this great organization.”
To find out more about BBBSC, including how you can get involved, visit today.