Skip To Content Redesign - Practicing What We Preach

At BlueModus, we have always championed the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) concept, advocating it to our clients as a tried-and-true strategy for bringing their digital initiatives to life. This approach prioritizes the rapid delivery of the most critical features rather than aiming for perfection from the outset. 

Recently, we redesigned and re-platformed our company website, It had been five years since our last redesign, and we felt it was time for not only a fresh look, an improved user experience, and revamped content but also an opportunity to move our website to Kentico's new hybrid headless digital experience platform (DXP) – Xperience by Kentico 

By applying this methodology to our web redesign, our team aimed to lead by example and highlight the merits of an MVP approach. The decision to embrace an MVP philosophy for our website redesign was not solely about setting an example but also about achieving results swiftly and efficiently. By focusing on the core features and functionality essential to our online presence, we brought the first phase of our redesigned website to life within a matter of weeks. In contrast, a perfectionist approach could have easily taken up to a year to complete. Although our newly redesigned website is not everything we planned, it is more than sufficient for phase 1, and there will be a series of rapid follow-ups launching in the days, weeks, and months to come. 

"I couldn't be prouder of our team for wholeheartedly embracing the MVP approach in our own website redesignBest of all, testing the waters quickly with Xperience by Kentico, we've not only demonstrated the power of this strategy but now have real-life experience implementing this new platform. This will benefit our clients greatly in the months and years to come," said BlueModus’ Founder and Chief Technology Officer, Dave Conder.  

One of the most significant benefits of the MVP approach is that our team was exposed to building on Kentico's newest platform sooner. As the largest implementer of Kentico worldwide, staying current with Kentico's roadmap is crucial to helping our existing clients and prospective new clients understand the benefits of the platform. 

Our commitment to the MVP approach in our website redesign is a testament to our dedication to best practices in the industry. We believe in the power of an MVP to deliver results, and from our perspective, the most common benefits to our clients include: 

  1. Rapid Development: Building an MVP allows you to quickly develop and launch your web application's basic version. This speed is crucial for testing your concept and getting it to market faster. 

  2. Cost-Efficiency: Developing a full-featured web application can be expensive and time-consuming. By starting with an MVP, you can save resources by only building essential features, which can be more cost-effective. 

  3. User Feedback: The MVP provides an opportunity to gather valuable feedback from early users. This feedback can help you understand user needs, preferences, and pain points, enabling you to make data-driven decisions for further development. 

  4. Iterative Improvement: With an MVP, you can iterate and improve your product based on user feedback and changing requirements. This iterative approach is more flexible and adaptive than trying to get everything right from the start. 

  5. Reduced Risk: By developing an MVP, you reduce the risk of investing heavily in a product that may not have a market or may not meet user needs. It allows you to validate your idea and pivot or adjust your strategy if necessary. 

  6. Market Validation: Launching an MVP allows you to test your product in the market to see if it has demand. If it gains traction, you can build on that success. If not, you can reassess your strategy without significant losses. 

  7. Time to Market: Speed is often crucial in the tech industry. Launching an MVP quickly can help you beat competitors to market, establish a presence, and start building a user base. 

  8. Resource Allocation: An MVP allows you to prioritize resources for core features, avoiding overengineering and feature bloat. This helps keep the development process more focused and efficient. 

  9. Stakeholder Confidence: An MVP can be a powerful tool when seeking buy-in from stakeholders and additional budget. It demonstrates your commitment to validating your idea and can be a persuasive way to attract support and funding. 

  10. Learn and Adapt: Building an MVP is a learning experience. You'll gain insights into what works and what doesn't, and you can use this knowledge to refine your product strategy. 

Following the MVP approach that we advocate to our clients, we've reaped the benefits of efficient development, rapid time to market, iterative improvement, and the ability to learn and adapt. Our journey underscores the value of focusing on an MVP as a guiding principle and a proven strategy for success in the digital space.