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Arthritis Foundation Case Study

  From complex web rebuilds and routine refreshes to site maintenance, functionality, and security, BlueModus has always enthusiastically come to the rescue. They are dedicated to transparency and efficiency, providing unparalleled technical expertise to any project or challenge thrown their way. They are also invested in the growth of our technical knowledge, providing trainings where they see opportunities to become internally independent. Agency partner is an understatement – they are an extension to our team and some of my favorite colleagues. Kirstin Testoni Gadd, IT Planning & Project Management

The Foundation's Challenge

The Arthritis Foundation had three different websites with 5,000+ documents and needed help consolidating the user experience to a cohesive, intuitive journey that served a wide variety of audiences.  Arthritis affects nearly 60 million adults and 300,000 children - and the website is central in the Foundation's mission to empower, educate and support all those impacted by the nation's #1 cause of disability.  

In addition to migrating the website from Crownpeak, The Arthritis team  wanted to build a web experience that provided those affected by arthritis and their caregivers with the tools, guidance, information, and community that will make their lives better, while also increasing engagement with volunteers and donors.


  • BlueModus started with a very detailed information architecture process to determine how best to take the two existing web properties (the site and community forum), the volunteer community, and create a single cohesive web property that met the needs of the full Arthritis organization.
  • The flexibility of Kentico Xperience as a rapid development platform enabled BlueModus to respond to new opportunities revealed during the development process and to pivot as new information was gathered from Arthritis’ stakeholders and beta users.
  • A proprietary event management system was integrated using scheduled tasks to regularly transfer data into Kentico’s CMS.
  • BlueModus utilized the open API and advanced workflow of Kentico Xperience to easily allow the migration of structured data from the existing web properties to the new web property.
  • Kimbia/GiveGab forms were integrated to collect donations.
  • Utilizing the digital marketing and email features of Kentico Xperience allowed Arthritis’ content authors to be trained and work within one system for content authoring of web pages and emails.